
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Windows 10 Update Woes

Are you a Windows user? Ready to upgrade to Windows 10? No? That’s too bad, because Microsoft REALLY wants you to upgrade to Windows 10. So much so, that they’ve deployed some pretty sneaky tactics to coerce and trick their user base into upgrading to the latest...

Unwanted Updates

In this modern age, technology advances are typically accompanied with some sort of software that makes the technology work. Whether it be an operating system for your computer, phone, or tablet, or software that runs on these devices, there is underlying software...

Some More Updates on Technology Bytes…

It’s that time of year again where I take a look at some of my old articles and provide some updates on exciting new things that have taken place or are soon to come. The first in this round of updates reaches way back to last month when I wrote about Mailbox, the app...

Backing Up Your iPhone: A Good Idea

Being the owner of an Apple device comes with the reality that updates can be a stressful activity.  I’ve spoken to many a person that had issues updating their device with the latest iOS release and having disastrous consequences.  I, too, have experienced less than...

Hands-on with Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8)

On July 25, Apple released the latest update to their operating system: OS X 10.8, otherwise known as Mountain Lion.  As with Lion (OS X 10.7), this update is available through the App Store, albeit at a lower price of $19.99, but Apple will not be releasing this...

TotalFinder Adds Needed Functionality for Mac Users

For those of you who use a Mac, you know that Finder is an integral part of the operating system, where you can access all your files and folders in an easy to use interface.  As useful and easy as Finder is to use, as with anything, there are improvements that can be...

Living in the Cloud

For many people, when the word cloud is uttered, the thought of soft, pillowy things in the sky comes to mind.  With tech folks, for the last few years, the cloud means something entirely different.  The concept of "the cloud" has been around for a while, as...

OS X 10.7 – Taming Lion, Part Two

With each new iteration of OS X, Apple users expect to see features added to the operating system that make the Mac experience so much better.  OS X 10.7, better known as Lion, is no different, and some of the new features are truly useful.  While my last article...

OS X 10.7 – Taming Lion, Part One

With all the developments that come out of Cupertino, California, it’s no wonder that Apple’s iOS devices tend to get more press compared to their Mac computers.  However, various media outlets have heralded the news of the latest version of the Apple Mac operating...

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