
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Driving a Wi-Fi Network

Being able to “stay connected” while traveling can be a crucial requirement for some people. For others, having an Internet connection to browse the web, watch videos, and play games might not be a necessity, but can be a big help when facing hours of highway...

Keep Your Mac Tidy with CleanMyMac 2

Computers are getting smaller and sleeker.  These ultra-thin notebook computers weigh very little and to accommodate this thin form factor, a Solid State Drive (SSD) replaces the standard laptop hard drive.  These SSDs have less storage space than what we have been...

Extend Your iPhone Battery Life

Being an iPhone owner can be an experiment in frustration when it comes to battery life.  As you might guess, I’m a heavy iPhone user, and I constantly fight the battery battle to keep my iPhone alive all day long.  In this battle, there are a number of tools and...

Achieve Inbox Zero with Mailbox for iPhone

What is inbox zero? For those of us who live and die by the digital word, it's a state of pristine bliss, where not a single email remains in your inbox.  To achieve such a state of being, it takes serious dedication, effort, and persistence.  A single sick day can...

21-Century Tax Filing

Every year a specific date tends to loom over almost every American citizen: April 15th.  For many, filing their income tax was a daunting task and they enlisted the help of agencies who charge a tidy fee, as any business should.  Now with technology available to...

Outsource Your iPhoto Library Management

Being an Apple user, one of the facts of life when using a Mac is organizing your photos with iPhoto.  Included with new Macs and part of the iLife suite of utilities, iPhoto allows users to easily organize and share photos, apply standard photo editing effects,...

Edit PDFs with Ease!

If you use a computer, chances are that you’ve used a PDF before.  Originally a proprietary format controlled by Adobe, the PDF became an open standard in 2008 and its use is widespread for all types of productivity, from office documents to graphics design.  Being...

One Contacts App To Rule Them All

Back before the days of personal computers and smartphones, there used to be a paper contraption called an address book, an absolute necessity for anyone that had over ten contacts.  As technology marched on, our contacts were converted from pen and paper to zeros and...

Add your posts to Buffer

I’m a Twitter user.  I have two accounts: one for my business (@BayouTechnology) and one that I use for personal stuff.  Most of the time, it’s the business account I’m on, because I follow and tweet information that I find useful regarding technology.  For anyone...

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